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Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016

How to Avoid Gestational Diabetes - Part4 Lowering Your Risk Through Exercise

1 Start exercising before you become pregnant. Exercising before and during pregnancy can help protect you from developing gestational diabetes. 
  • Research has shown that women who were physically active for 4 hours a week or 30 minutes a day, before and during pregnancy can reduce their risk of GDM by about 70%.
  • Always ask your doctor about how much and what type of physical activity are right for you.
2 Stick with safe exercises while pregnant. Safe exercises to participate in during pregnancy typically include low impact exercises, such as walking and swimming.[20]Avoid doing any type of exercise that is high impact or that has a higher potential for injuries, such as contact sports.
  • Parking your car at the far end of the parking lot as you run your daily errands is one way to squeeze in extra activity.
3 Aim for 30 minutes per day. Most doctors will approve of up to 30 minutes of exercise per day, for most or several days a week, for pregnant women.
  • You can incorporate several short exercise activities into your day to keep the stress on your body low while still reaping the same benefits as 30-minutes of straight activity.
  • Make sure to monitor your heart rate while exercising and never exceed the recommended target heart rate for your age and weight.


  •  Keep your exercise and healthy eating habits up after you deliver. This will help you can also lower your overall risk for diabetes as well as future development of GDM.


  •  Always discuss any exercise program with your doctor, especially if you were not exercising prior to becoming pregnant. Never start a new diet or begin a new physical activity without first consulting with your doctor.

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